Welcome to Faithful United Methodist Church in Faithful, TX
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
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Finding Home

Sam Brown

I grew up in a small town of about 700 people in rural South Dakota. In my early twenties I moved to Carrollton, Texas and started work traveling the world. Shortly after moving to Texas, my sweetheart from the Midwest moved to Texas, we got married and we lived in and around the Carrollton/North Dallas area for about ten years. For those years both of us still thought of the Midwest as “home.” We had no family in the area and the friends we had were made primarily from our places of work. Our support system was almost non-existent. Sure, our friends could be counted on in a real pinch, but for the really big things and even the really small things that happened in our life, we were pretty much on our own.

We went through some tough times and after a particularly rough patch, we decided to purchase a house in the Lake Cities area. A friend from my home town visited us one weekend; he was a devoted Christian and wanted to go to church on Sunday. Since his denomination was Lutheran, we found a local church in the area and attended that Sunday. The people there were friendly and kind but the service just didn’t seem to fit us. My wife had attended a Methodist college and we decided to try the Lake Cities United Methodist church.<!–more–>

From the very first visit, this church seemed to fit. The service was comfortable and the message really made us think. The people were warm and friendly so we decided we would continue to attend the church and see where it led. We’ve been members at the Lake Cities United Methodist church for about 12 years now.

We have attended numerous adult education classes, served on committees, have enjoyed many church activities over the years, and through this interaction with the people of the church we have found not only good friendships but a true church family. Family is the only name that I can give to the people of this church. They have been an intricate part of our lives; helping us when our daughters were born and being a part of raising our children in a safe and nurturing environment. We can count on the church family to be there for the little, the big, the easy and the hard times. There is always someone ready and willing to be there and perhaps just as importantly, we know we can be helpful to others when they are in need.

The ability to not only get help but to give it really makes the difference between friends and family. The church is our family and now when we think of Texas it is our “home.” I thank God for guiding us to the Lake Cities United Methodist church. Without it I believe we would still not be at home in our own lives.

-- Sam Brown

Micah 6:8

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?